The Sense tells its story through the pine forest, the Mediterranean scrub, the dune vegetation, the endemic species of the beach, the gardens where shrubs and perennials create synergies with nature, giving us wonderful views.
We offer sensory experiences in search of Beauty, Balance, Nature, Rest.
We start with knowledge about the area, the archaeology of the site related to the settlements of 2000 years ago, the history of the experiences lived among these dunes, in the shadow of these centuries-old pine forests, from the most recent years up to The Sense.
A vision of contemporary and sustainable luxury that celebrates the privilege of feeling through experiences.
We suggest abandoning yourselves to the pampering that this place offers.
Discover exclusive all-inclusive offers in Tuscany by the sea for a luxurious, unforgettable getaway.
History of the settlements and iron smelting activities from Elba by the Etruscan people
Experience: by walking inside The Sense Park, you can discover how in the sand, on the dune, on the seafront, you can find small dark stones that are a result of the fusions of ferrous material of Etruscan origin that the sea and the winds have brought here from the nearby Elba.
The Sense… when luxury is virtuous...
The Sense design:
- Environmental restoration of seafront dune systems with pioneer species. Only native plant species and local ecotypes have been planted.
- Osmosis system for the swimming pool and for the irrigation of the garden: it allows a water capacity of 160 cubic meters per day. The water is not taken from the sea: we take salt water through a water intake structure (surface reservoir) from the area above the aquifer, and by irrigating we introduce fresh water. Photovoltaic system that covers the electrical consumption of the plant. The water produced is zero km and with reduced energy consumption.
- Garden layout: the external parts of The Sense complex are set in a context of high landscape value.
The pine forests with a prevalence of centuries-old stone pines with the sporadic presence of maritime pines protect from the winds and offer shade to all areas with human activities. The presence of Mediterranean scrub species such as wind-combed mastic trees, phyllites, junipers, and holm oaks, indicates the design priority of the green areas. A windbreak barrier was recreated with species that were already there to protect the hinterland from sea winds and the beating action of the sands. All the plants planted in the Sense gardens (more than 7000 shrubs and perennials of 80 different species) were chosen for their characteristics of resistance to brackish winds, for their low water requirement. The synthesis of a revolution in the way of thinking about the garden and therefore the relationship with the environment, with the nature already existing on site. The gardens are young but able to fascinate those who want to explore them. They still need to be completed but are already capable of expressing colours of flowers and leaves that catch the eye with their arsenal of waxy cuticles, insulating velvet, compound leaves, and taproots to survive heatwaves, fragrances and flavours to try. The lawns are made with ground cover species with a low water need where the experience comes from seeing the multi-coloured flowering and from the soft sensation under your feet.
Experience: we propose botanical itineraries for the recognition of Mediterranean scrub species and endemic species in the park, with Ethnobotanical cards of some native plant species present in the park 2, plant species present in the gardens and flowering meadows 3, and experience locations 1
2) 10 native plant species that characterize the Park
- Asparagus acutifolius
- Helycrhisum italicum
- Juniperus communis
- Lavatera arborea
- Lonicera implexa
- Pancratium maritimum
- Pinus pinea
- Pistacia lentiscus
- Quercus ilex
- Ruscus aculeatus
3) 11 newly planted species of the garden vegetation
- Sambucus nigra
- Jacobaea maritima
- Santolina chamaecyparissus
- Cistus monspeliensis
- Arbutus unedo
- Spartium junceum
- Rosmarinus officinalis
- Teucrium fruticans
- Punica granatum
- Morus nigra
- Myrtus communis
5 plant species for the lawns
- Achillea crithmifolia
- Dymondia margaretae
- Frankenia laevis
- Lippia nodiflora
- Verbena x hybrida
The route we propose leads to the two viewpoints facing the sea. Unique places, privileged points of view where you feel surrounded by nature. Before your eyes the sea and around you the fragrances of the Mediterranean scrub. You go up a small path and you reach a place where you can exercise your senses to feel nature: the sound of the sea, the heat of the sun, the sight of a sunset, the light breeze, the view of the starry sky.
On the seafront platforms you can stop for a private sunbath, to read, meditate, exercise, have an intimate dinner.
Enveloped by the roots of the large pines, suspended on the Mediterranean scrub, where the biodiversity is tangible and the scents intense, waves of mastic trees brushed by the wind, a wind that carries the scent of helichrysum and sea salt.
It is a more private and solitary route. You go up the dune in the holm oak forest and you reach a seafront platform. A blue sea that merges with the sky.
The presence of a large pine and the sound of nature, a place of rest and contemplation, unique in The Sense Park.
The Vegetable Garden is a place designed both for the kitchen and for a proposal of Horticultural therapy for the Sense guests.
A vegetable garden accessible to anyone who wants to have a Horticultural therapy experience.
The aromatic herbs, seasonal vegetables, and edible flowers are the raw materials of the experience that engages smell, taste, sight, touch, and hearing.
Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano Piante, essenze e tradizioni nell’arcipelago Toscano [Plants, woods, and traditions in the Tuscan archipelago] I Quaderni del Parco F. Camangi – A. Stefani
M. Pardini Il Piantastorie [The planteller] Maria Pacini Fazzi editore
A.Cattabiani Florario [Flower book] Oscar Saggi Mondadori
K.Hurst Storie segrete delle erbe [Secret stories of herbs] Ricca editore
O.Polunin Guida agli alberi e arbusti d’Europa ED [Guide to the trees and shrubs of Europe]. Zanichelli
R.Brotzu Alberi, arbusti ed erbe della Sardegna ed [Trees, shrubs, and herbs of Sardinia]. Il Maestrale